Ayurveda is the science of all sciences. It is Mother Nature who governs all activities pertaining to the created world. Mother Nature has two positive and two negative aspects, and rules through natural law.

Similarly, the modern management concept of SWOT analysis (strength, weakness, opportunity and threat) has two negative ad two positive aspects. Our human body is also structured around four similar factors: immunity (strength), waste products (weakness), digestive fire (opportunity) and external sensory inputs (threat). The accumulated waste products lead to malfunctioning of other factors thereby leading to various diseases. Health is a balanced state of the above four factors. Hence waste has to be eliminated properly or used to good effect and for this, our digestive fire has to be boosted. The threat has to be reduced too by controlling our food and sense contacts. Our inherent strength, the immunity can also be boosted by increasing sattva guna.

A comprehensive Ayurvedic therapy aims at keeping the toxins in the body to a minimum and optimizes the functioning of other factors giving the body every chance to remain healthy. All Ayurveda treatment in one way or another is aimed at proper detoxification and boosting of the digestive fire to the optimum level. Since modern medicine has no such consideration of detoxification, they have only one option i.e. to give medicines to get symptomatic relief. This often add to the toxins already present and complicates the problem. This is nothing but the adaptation of the shaman chikitsa prescribed in Ayurveda. However shaman chikitsa in Ayurveda offers other benefits apart from symptomatic relief.

There is a great principle in Yoga where an adept yogi is capable of levitating i.e., being able to raise their body from ground level effortlessly through meditation by focusing on their ajna chakra (in between the eye brows).

Similarly by focusing on and promoting the immunity (strength) and digestive fire (opportunity), health can be maintained at an optimum level and diseases can be resisted successfully. What we need is a health care program and not a disease care program.